illy Art Collection Judy Chicago - 4 Cappuccino Cups & Saucers

Product Code: 24627

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With this illy Art Collection, Judy Chicago represents women’s roles and achievements throughout history, by using the concept from her early works "Reincarnation Triptych". In the four cups inspired by the ‘Reincarnation Triptych’, the artist uses a lively and vibrant palate to illustrate the transition away from the societal constraints that have historically been imposed on women to a place of cultural and creative freedom.

Each cup, through its creativity, represents a notable woman from history from distinct time periods: the Queen of France, Maria Antonietta; the novelist, philosopher, and political writer Madame de Stael; feminist novelist, George Sand; and writer, Virginia Woolf. 

Carton Information
Carton Weight (KG) 2.41
Carton (L x W x H) 40cm x 30cm x 12cm
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